HCC Art Car Bikes Take Grand Trophy in 2019 Parade

Apr 30, 2019

Led by Ashley Hope, Studio Arts Instructor and Resident Artist of the West Houston Institute, the Art Car Cooperative entry -- Titled: “Skybound Enterprises" Themed: "Soaring Possibilities" -- was awarded the Grand Trophy of the Cycle Division (Bike brigades, scooters, motorless entries) for 2019. The $500 award goes to Student Activities.

HCC teamed up with Houston-based bicycle charity FreeWheels Houston in order to bring you fantasy frankenbikes—Carnival Bike and Airplane Bike—designed by students Seth Moody, Ricardo Rivera & Jessica Arone Wosniack, respectively.

The Houston Art Car Parade is powered by The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art.

2019 Art Car Parade

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