HCC Campus Internship Program
HCC Campus Internship Program
The HCC Campus Internship Program (Co-ops & Internships) was created in 2018 for the purpose of preparing students enrolled in HCC workforce programs at Houston Community College for the world of work. Students are increasingly in need of co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities that will provide them with real-world experiences related to their intended career paths.
Due to the size of the Houston Community College System, there are major business processes that are managed by specific departments that keep the institution’s administrative processes running smoothly throughout the year. These departments were targeted to host interns as some their functions are aligned with skills learned within specific certificates/degrees offered at the institution.
Possible Internship Sites
Below are just some of the departments that have participated in the HCC Campus Internship Program over the years by hosting an Intern:
- HCC Coleman (Medical Center) – Graphic Designer
- HCC Communications (3100 Main St.) – Community Development Intern
- HCC IT CORE Information Services (3100 Main St.) – Business Analyst
- HCC IT CORE Information Services (3100 Main St.) – Programmer Analyst
- HCC IT CORE Information Services (3100 Main St.) – Cyber Security Intern
- HCC Communications (West Loop) – Graphic Designer
- HCC-TV (3100 Main St.) – Assistant Producer
- HCC Online College (3100 Main St.) – Office Assistant
- HCC Northline (Automotive Technology Center) – Administrative Assistant
- HCC Career & Job Placement Services (Central) - Job Developer
- HCC VAST Academy (Central) - Job Developer
- HCC Chancellor's Office (District) - Office Assistant
Campus Internship Project
All students placed in internships have foundational level knowledge within their intended certificate/degree. Each intern placement prepares students for real world experiences by teaching students to use industry tools and best practices. The Internship Project ensures the student can clearly articulate the experience gained in the internship as well as prepare the student for the competitive nature of the job market. Interns are required to complete the following by the end of the Internship:
- An updated professional resume that includes the internship and related accomplishments.
- An Internship slide-deck presentation that consists of lessons learned during the internship as well as the intern's plans after graduation.
- A 3-5 page double-spaced career essay that demonstrates the Intern's research and knowledge of the field they are planning to pursue.
- A 5-10 minute presentation to the Intern's peers regarding the contents of their career essay as well as their experience participating in the Campus Internship Program.
A number of Interns have been hired into part-time and full-time roles by various HCC departments after the completion of their internship which lasts for an entire semester. Interns are only allowed to participate for one semester in order to allow for many more students to participate in the program.
Students must be 50%-75% finished with their certificate/degree. Those enrolled in programs requiring a co-op/internship will be prioritized. Students must have a 2.0 minimum GPA. The Internship will start at the very beginning of the semester and will last until the final week of the semester. The maximum number of hours worked is 19.5 per week.
Next Steps
The HCC Campus Internship Program is annually funded via $100,000+ set aside specifically for the Interns' salaries which comprises 20-30 separate positions on an annual basis. The program is administered in collaboration with the Office of Talent Engagement (HR) and the Budget & Treasury Operations Department at Houston Community College.
The Spring 2025 Campus Internship Program Application will open in December 2024 and the link for students to apply will be placed below this message.
Hire Houston Youth Summer Internship/Job Program
Are you looking for a part-time internship this summer? If so, we encourage you to apply for the Hire Houston Youth Summer Jobs Program! Houston Community College participates in this program every summer! We have 8-10 administrative internships available!
"Hire Houston Youth serves as the facilitator to connect youth to local jobs where they are empowered with an “earn and learn” opportunity in Houston’s dynamic economy. Youth, age 16–24, are offered eight-week paid summer jobs and internships at the City of Houston, the public, private, and philanthropic sectors." - City of Houston
These HCC Internships will be located in various departments around the HCC system. The HCC Internships will pay $15.00/Hour, 19.5 Hours per week, and will be either fully virtual, hybrid, or face-to-face. As stated above the Internship will last eight weeks. This program is open to students and those in the Houston community who meet the age requirements.
Please check back in the Spring 2025 semester for more information regarding HCC's participation in the Hire Houston Youth Summer Internship Program