
Recruiting Talent at Houston Community College

Diverse Candidates

Houston Community College (HCC) is one of the most diverse institutions in the United States! Did you know we have the largest international student population of all community colleges? Employers and Universities interested in recruiting for diversity should consider adding Houston Community College to their campus recruiting schedules every year! 

Details regarding HCC demographics can be found online: HCC Factbook


What are the types of workforce programs HCC offers?

Centers of Excellence

Houston Community College offers the following workforce programs: 


Career & Transfer Services highly encourages employers to research workforce programs prior to reaching out to the Career Centers. Each workforce program has potentially numerous certificates/degrees and majors/ specialties that can be very valuable to employers seeking specific skill-sets. We can assist you with recruiting talent from these programs. 


How do employers and universities recruit students/alumni at HCC?

Steps To Recruit HCC Eagles

  1. Post: In order to maintain communication with Career & Transfer Services as well as to ensure 50,000+ students have the option of learning about your company, we recommend that employers create profiles and post a co-op/internship and/or job online in HCC CareerHub. We send notifications regarding upcoming events to employers registered in our database. 
  2. Recruit: Get out of the office and come recruit students directly at our Career Fairs! We highly recommend you visit our Career Fairs & Events page to see when our Career Fairs will be taking place. Employers can RSVP for HCC Career Fairs &Transfer Fairs within HCC CareerHub. 
  3. Interview: If you are interested in connecting with students directly then our Campus Interview process will be easier for you to locate candidates by scheduling real interviews at the respective Career Center which supports the program(s) you are interested in engaging. Employers can submit Interview Schedule Requests in HCC CareerHub
  4. Co-Ops/Internships: Students enrolled in workforce programs are always looking for ways to apply learned skills in a real work environment. We recommend posting your opportunity in HCC CareerHub in order for faculty to review. 
  5. Engage: Career & Transfer Services has six Career Centers located at each of the main college campuses throughout the HCC system. The Career Centers support the workforce programs mentioned above. The Career Centers are specialized as they specifically host events for and assist employers from industries that hire students enrolled in the relevant workforce program(s) the Career Center supports. Engaging and building a relationship with the staff at the relevant Career Center(s) is vital to any strategic recruiting plan.
  6. Transfer: We invite universities to recruit at HCC by visiting CareerHub to start the process!

EMAIL DISCLAIMER: Career & Transfer Services does not allow employers to conduct business in HCC CareerHub with emails not aligned with the name of the business. Business emails should be aligned with the business name or website.




Post Your Internship/Job - HCC CareerHub

Career & Transfer Services manages the HCC CareerHub Job Board and has the right to refuse access to any employer or organization. 

Employers can log in to HCC CareerHub to perform the following actions: 

  • Create an online profile in the system
  • Post their co-op/internship and career opportunities
  • Register for Career Fairs & Career Development Seminars
  • Request an Interview Schedule for a career opportunity
  • Request Resume Books for potential candidates

The first step to recruiting at HCC is creating an employer profile and posting the opportunity online. The job board is accessed by thousands of students/alumni from all of the aforementioned workforce programs. After creating the profile and posting the job, both will be reviewed by a representative from Career & Job Placement Services. If there are concerns regarding the information in the profile or posting then the employer will be notified. The job postings will remain visible for 30-60 days at a time if approved. 

EMAIL DISCLAIMER: Career & Transfer Services does not allow employers to conduct business in HCC CareerHub with email addresses not aligned with the employer's name or website. We follow recommendations from the National Association of Colleges & Employers(NACE).

Access the HCC CareerHub Job Board


Recruit - 4 ways to recruit HCC Eagles

Campus Recruitment

We offer the following services to employers interested in recruiting HCC Eagles throughout the year. 

  1. Career Fairs - We host Career Fairs in the fall and spring semesters. Employers register for Career Fairs within HCC CareerHub
  2. Recruit Eagles Booth - The Recruit Eagles Booth is similar to what an employer would have at an actual Career Fair. We recommend that employers bring job descriptions, giveaways, and any other pertinent information a student should have in order to learn more about the company. This is a new service provided by Career & Job Placement Services and there is no cost. For now, employers will need to contact the relevant Career Center to register a booth in a high traffic area on campus. 
  3. Company Networking Day - This is exactly what it sounds like! This is an opportunity for employers to host their very own Information Session/Career Fair on an HCC campus. In partnership with the respective Career Center(s), employers will be able to reserve a room and the Career Center will actively engage the targeted majors about the Networking Day. We recommend that these types of events are hosted either in the late afternoon or early evening (3 p.m. - 6 p.m.). Employers can plan as they would for a Career Fair as well as make plans to interview candidates that meet minimum requirements for the role. 
  4. Campus Interviews - We ask employers to request an interview schedule in HCC CareerHub



Engage - The Career Centers

Career & Transfer Services has six specialized Career Centers positioned throughout the HCC system in order to support workforce programs. Below you will find the Career Centers and the programs they support. 

 Career & Job Placement Services - Career Centers 


Recruit Eagles Booth Request

A Recruit Eagles booth is an opportunity for companies/organizations to promote their brand, services, and job opportunities to HCC Eagles anywhere in the Houston Community College System. Companies request this service when they want to have a table in a high traffic area on campus. Career & Transfer Services highly recommends that employers and universities reserve Recruit Eagles Booths throughout the year in order to promote brand awareness. We also have provided this service in order to be more conducive to HCC Eagles being hired for roles in the Houston job market.

Request a Recruit Eagles Booth in HCC CareerHub!


HCC Career Fair Schedule

HCC Career Fair Schedule

HCC Career Fairs are great opportunities to recruit students from around the Houston area! HCC serves 100,000+ students so there are countless opportunities for employers to network and hire students and alumni. We invite all majors to our General Career Fairs while our Industry-Focused Career Fairs are named accordingly so the student will know which industries are invited. We highly encourage you to contact a Career Center on your side of town to find out which Career Fairs they will be hosting.

Our Career Fair Schedule is now available in CareerHub!


Employers can register for HCC Career Fairs in HCC CareerHub


United We Stand Job Fair set for Nov. 5.


Take a Video Tour of HCC CareerHub!

Employer Partners

We are always striving to improve our employer partners' recruiting experience at Houston Community College! We have over twenty campuses throughout the Houston area and want to ensure you can connect with any major or demographic for your recruiting needs at any time regardless of distance! Watch the CareerHub Video below to learn more about our services and resources for Employer Partners!

CareerHub Video Tour for Employer Partners!