Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Admissions Guide

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

(Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admissions)

Term Applications Accepted
Application Review 
Application Status Notification Application packet
must submit via email

August 2025


Nov. 4, 2024 -
May 16, 2025



Nov. 15, 2024 -
Jun. 20, 2025    



By Mid. July 2025



Program Duration, Study Mode and Class Schedule Information

Program Duration
(Number of Semesters)
Study Mode

Full Time:
4 semesters

Part-Time: N/A Face-to-Face, Hybrid and Offsite Clinical Rotations


  • Program days and times may vary, but you should plan to attend classes 5 days a week.
  • Day classes and clinical rotations are Monday through Friday, generally between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please plan accordingly to ensure you have proper transportation. 


Program Admissions Statistics

On average, approximately 130 students apply for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program each application period. The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Advanced Technical Certificate program and Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate Degree program are merged into one selection and only the top 24 students will be selected.

Program Mission

To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and effective (behavior) learning domains for the abdominal-extended and obstetrics and gynecology sonography concentrations.


How Do I Submit the HCC Application and Program Application?

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program is a selective admission program. Prospective applicants should review the HCC Application Requirements, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Application Requirements, and Pre-Enrollment Process & Requirements outlined in this guide.

HCC Application Requirements:

Step 1: Apply for Admission to HCC:

New student to HCC: If you are new to college or transferring to HCC, your first step is to become an HCC Eagle by submitting a free admissions application to HCC. Please create a profile and complete a degree-seeking application: https://applytexas.org/. Upon completing the application, you will receive your acceptance letter and a welcome email that contains your HCC Student ID number and P-number (if assigned). If you have filled out an HCC application at any point or you already have an HCC student ID number, please do not submit another HCC application. Multiple HCC new student applications and/or ID numbers are not allowed.
Returning student to HCC: If you have not been enrolled in HCC for the past 3 semesters, you must re-activate your HCC student account. If you need assistance with this process, please visit: Returning HCC Student | Houston Community College - HCC.
International Students: If you are an international student planning to attend HCC on a status F-1, (DACA, refugee, L visa, H visa, etc.), please visit https://www.hccs.edu/support- services/international- students/.
Veteran students: Please visit https://www.hccs.edu/support-services/veteran-affairs/. Download and complete DD Form 214 & SF-180 Form and submit with the application.

Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid (this step is optional):

All students should apply for financial aid immediately after applying for admission to HCC. Filling out a financial aid application is the first step in learning your options to pay for college. HCC accepts financial aid applications throughout the year.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at fafsa.gov, School Code: 010422
- Free Application for Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) at hccs.edu/tasfa.

If you need assistance paying for college, please visit the Coleman Financial Aid office for assistance or visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/

Step 3: Complete My Eagle HCC Account Checklist:

Please visit: myeagle.hccs.edu, and sign into the Student System. Review and complete the HCC Policy and On-Boarding Checklist sections. To avoid delays in the processing of your application, please complete all To-Do List items.
- Career Interest Assessment: All first-time HCC students must complete this module.
- Meningitis Vaccine – Future and returning students who are under the age of 22 are required to submit proof of vaccination. For more information on requirements, resources & any religious, medical, or online student exemptions, please visit Meningitis Vaccine.
- Submit Official Transcript(s): Please submit your official sealed (unopened) transcript(s) from high school, GED, and any other colleges and/or Universities previously If you have completed your courses at HCC, you do not need to submit an official transcript. We do not accept unofficial copies or official copies that have been opened. There are two ways to submit an official transcript from your high school or previous institution:

Submit Electronically: Have an official PDF transcript electronically sent from approved service providers such as Credentials, Parchment, and National Student Clearinghouse to: admissions@hccs.edu
Submit by Mail: Please use the address: Houston Community College, Office of Admissions & Records, P.O. Box 667517, Houston, TX 77266-7517
If you have completed coursework outside HCC and need more information on transfer equivalency with HCC, please visit http://www.hccs.edu/support-services/transfers/transferring- credits/.

All foreign transcripts must be evaluated by an approved credential evaluation service. The evaluation must include course-by-course evaluation and US equivalency for earned degree. Then the official evaluation report must be submitted to HCC. The HCC Internal process can take up to 8 weeks for evaluation and transfer of course credits. To find a list of approved evaluation companies, please visit Foreign Transcript/ Foreign Credit Evaluators.

For more information on transcript(s) submission, please visit Transcript(s). It is the responsibility of the student to allow enough time for the evaluation of transcripts; please allow 6-8 weeks for evaluation and transfer of course credits.
To receive Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit towards admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program, an applicant should not have previously taken or attempted the course (by title), that is the same as the PLA credit for which he/she is applying. For more information on PLA you may visit https://www.hccs.edu/resources-for/current-students/prior-learning-assessment/

- Texas Success Initiative requirements –If you have the "Texas Success Initiative College Readiness Requirements" Checklist on your To-do List in the Student Center, you have to be placed into core courses one of two ways.

  • Have an approved exemption (reason) for not taking Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2); or
  • Take the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)

Please visit the Texas Success Initiative Assessment to learn about your options to complete this requirement.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography (AAS) Program Application Requirements:

Step 4. Meet with HCC Coleman College Representative: 

At least once during the application acceptance period, we strongly recommend that an applicant attend an In-Person/Virtual Program Information Session or meet with an HCC Coleman Advisor via phone or in-person or virtually to ensure they are meeting all of the program admission criteria. To view up-to-date in-person hours for Coleman College Student Services https://www.hccs.edu/support-services/academic-advising/

Step 5. Program Information Session: 

The program information session is a mandatory requirement of the admission process. Please register and attend the virtual program information session at Diagnostic Medical Sonography | Houston Community College (HCC) | We are Houston's Community College (hccs.edu). If you have questions regarding the program information sessions, please contact via phone at 713-718-5950 or via email at co.sonography@hccs.edu.

Step 6. Complete Requirements and Submit Program Application:

In addition to the HCC admission application, you must complete and submit the Diagnostic Medical Sonography (AAS) program application via email to co.dmsoadmit@hccs.edu with below documents:
- Copy of all transcript/s showing completion of the prerequisite courses
- HESI exam results including HESI critical thinking result
Program Application: Immunization requirements
As a part of the application requirements, an applicant must create an account with the Complio system (houstoncccompliance.com), and upload the required Hep. B, MMR, and Varicella immunization records with positive titers showing immunity. We will not be able to consider your application until you have completed and submitted all the requirements by the application submission deadline.

- Completion of Hepatitis B immunization series (may take up to 6 months to complete) and should be valid within 10 years, fast track is accepted. Upon completion of the Hep B series, a titer must be taken to prove immunity.
- Completion of 2 Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) shots and titer within the last year.
- Completion of 2 Varicella shots and titer or a positive titer within the last year.

Note: If you get admitted to the program, upload the rest of the immunizations listed below in the Complio system by September 1st.
- Completion of the Tuberculin Test (PPD) has to be done annually.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) shot and the titer; it should be valid within 10 years.
- Completion of Hepatitis C blood draw to show negative results.
Individuals with a positive background will need to declare it with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) http://www.ardms.org/Discover- ARDMS/compliance/Pages/default.aspx 

For more information about prerequisite/academic courses, HESI exam, please refer to the next sections: Program Application: Academic Course Requirements & Program Application: HESI Pre-entrance Exam Requirements.


Program Application: Academic Course Requirements

  • Placement Test N/A
  • Cumulative GPA:  A minimum of 2.5 or higher is required.
  • Prerequisite Courses: Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of ‘C’ by the application by the deadline.

    Please check the course requirements before enrolling in the prerequisite course Houston Community College - Course Descriptions Modern Campus Catalog™

Prerequisite Course Credit Hours

HPRS 1201 – Introduction to Health Professions

Course substitution is allowed per the program director or program advisor's approval


MATH 1314 - College Algebra or higher (any college-level math or statistics with 3 credits)


ENGL 1301 - English Composition I OR higher OR Speech


BIOL 2301 and BIOL 2101 (formerly BIOL 2401) – Anatomy & Physiology I (LEC/LAB) OR higher



  • Academic Courses: Additional academic courses are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to be taken in advance but are not required as part of the application process. Completion of these academic courses with a minimum grade of "C" or better is required to earn the AAS degree in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program.
    Note: The course DMSO 1210 taken at HCC within two years of the application deadline will assign additional points on the rubric.
Academic Courses
Courses Credit Hours
DMSO 1210 - Introduction to Sonography (Must be taken at HCC only) 2
PHYS 1305 (3 credits)  & Any General Education Elective course (XXXX #1##, 1 credit). Please check the HCC Catalog to find out acceptable General Education Elective courses.
PHYS 1401
PHIL 2306 – Introduction to Ethics 3


If you would like to determine your eligibility by calculating your cumulative points earned, please use Program Admission Rubric Form.



Program Application: HESI Pre-entrance Exam Requirements

The HESI A2 (Health Education Systems Inc.)- Admissions Assessment entrance exam is required to apply for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at HCC Coleman College.

Schedule HESI-A2 test: Please contact HCC Coleman College Testing Center via email: coleman.testing@hccs.edu. The cost of the HESI is $75.00 per attempt, payment must be made by either credit or debit card.

HESI-A2 required sections: No minimum score is required for admission; however, all sections must be taken. Application rubric points are awarded based on the range of scores for each section.

  1. Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Grammar
  3. Reading
  4. Critical Thinking
  • Scores are valid for 3 years.
  • Please note that HESI-A2 official scores including the Critical Thinking section must be downloaded directly from the Elsevier/Evolve website in a .pdf format and submitted with the program application (regardless taken at HCC or outside of HCC - No Exception). The application will be declined if HESI- A2 exam results are not submitted with the application by the application deadline.
  • Please note HESI Remediation through Elsevier is FREE.

Resources for HESI study material:
The Center for Healthcare Professionals is offering the following courses listed below (hccs.edu/chp):

  • Online - HESI® A2 and TEAS® Preparatory course: Anatomy and Physiology.
  • Online - Critical Thinking for Standardized Tests
  • Online - Study Skills for Student Success
  • Online - Successful Test Taking

For additional information about any of these programs, please contact via email at hcc- chp@hccs.edu or via phone at 713.718.7796.

HCC Library: https://0-portal-mometrixelibrary-com.librus.hccs.edu/?__acct=171; https://library.hccs.edu/home search with the keyword ‘HESI’ to access available resources.

To find the latest HCC library hours, please visit Home - Locations - Libraries at Houston Community College (hccs.edu)

Please refer to the following links for information on HESI study materials:

How to access your HESI exam scores including critical thinking score:
Please note that HESI official scores must be downloaded directly from the Elsevier/ Evolve website in a .pdf format - No exceptions. 

  1. Go to https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/
  2. Click on Sign in and log in to your account
  3. Go to the My Other Products tab and click Student Access
  4. HESI exam score:
    Click on the Admission Assessment Report under Exam History to Save the report in PDF.
  5. Critical Thinking Scores:
    Click on the plus sign (+) next to Admissions Assessment Report.
    Critical Thinking will appear in the drop-down list. Click on the link View Results.
    Click on Results Report.pdf under View Your Detailed Scoring Report on the right (Save this document as PDF)


Pre-Enrollment Process & Requirements

When the number of eligible applications exceeds program seat availability, selective criteria are used to determine which applicants are offered admission. Selective criteria are awarded based on the following:

  • 75% may be awarded based on the program's academic criteria.
    (grades earned from pre-entry form, required courses, and general education requirements)
  • 25% will be awarded based on HESI scores in Reading, Grammar, Anatomy & Physiology, and Critical Thinking.
  • Applicant must meet the HEP. B, MMR, and Varicella Immunization requirements.
  • All application requirements must be satisfied by the close of the application window.
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Advanced Technical Certificate program and Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate Degree program are merged into one selection Only the top 24 students will be selected.

If you are offered admission you will need to complete the following pre-enrollment requirements by a specific due date to maintain eligible status.
Please note the Program Director will be in contact with you once your Letter of Intent has been received to provide you the information on the process of getting a background check, drug screen, personal health insurance, and deadlines for immunizations. Please check your email regularly for updates and information.

  • Complete the letter of Intent form by the deadline stated in the admission acceptance offer email that will be sent to your submitted email address with the program application.
  • Proof of personal health insurance: If you need to purchase health insurance please visit: Student Health Insurance | Houston Community College - HCC (hccs.edu) for a list of health care insurance providers that HCC has compiled as a courtesy to students who wish to contact a potential provider to meet their personal health insurance needs. Students are advised to contact more than one company and compare offerings.
  • Passing drug screen. 
  • Physical examination.
  • Immunization record showing: Completion of Influenza – after September 1st.
  • Cleared Criminal Background. Please note individuals with a positive background will need to declare it with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) Compliance Policies | Appeals Process | Submit a Complaint | ARDMS by the time of the application deadline.
  • Complete mandatory student services and program orientation on the date provided in your admission offer email. (Please clear your calendar so you are available to attend the mandatory orientations. If you are offered admissions for Fall Term – plan to attend orientations between July and August.)

  • Clinical Requirements for Program Progression & Completion

To provide students with the most robust clinical educational experience and to ensure that students progress and graduate as scheduled, it is highly recommended that applicants weigh all of their options before agreeing to a conditional acceptance into their desired health science program. In order to facilitate this decision-making, students should understand all of the requirements of their program, including clinical education.

To be placed in a clinical educational experience, students must comply with the guidelines and requirements of HCC clinical sites, including health and wellness directives. Most clinical sites require background checks, health testing, drug screens and immunizations, including proof of COVID-19 vaccination. 

Students are required to provide to HCC proof that students meet all clinical requirements, with the exception of their COVID-19 vaccination status.  Consistent with state law, HCC does not mandate the COVID-19 vaccination. Students have the choice to voluntarily disclose or not disclose their COVID-19 vaccination status through their HCC Complio account.

However, most healthcare facilities do require the vaccine as a condition of employment, volunteering, or student clinical placement.  If a student chooses not to disclose their COVID-19 vaccination status or is not vaccinated, HCC may not be able to place the student in clinical rotations.  HCC will work to place such students into a clinical site that does not require the vaccine, provided such a site is available and HCC has an active affiliation agreement in place that meets the necessary conditions to provide an appropriate learning opportunity for the student.  However, HCC cannot guarantee that clinical sites that do not require the COVID vaccine will be available at the time the student requires placement.  At this time, many healthcare facilities are not accepting religious or medical exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine for clinical students.

If a student chooses not to receive or to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination and no clinical sites are available to accept the student that do not require the COVID-19 vaccination, the student’s progression in the program and graduation will be delayed or stopped all together.  If a student cannot be timely placed in a qualifying clinical site, a student may not be able to complete the program. Our affiliate partners’ expectations are the same for our students as they would be when our students ultimately become employees in their chosen field.

Students with questions about clinical requirements and placement may contact the program director of their program of interest. 

  • HB 1508 requires the following information be given to students:

If you are applying for admission to a program that prepares an individual for an initial occupational license or certification and/or if you later decide to change to a program that prepares you for an initial occupational license or certification, in accordance with state law, please be advised of the following: 

  1. An individual who has been charged or convicted of an offense or who is on probation may not be eligible for issuance of an occupational license or certification upon completion of the educational program.
  2. It is the responsibility of the individual to immediately report to the program any change in status that would affect that individual’s eligibility to apply for a license or certification.
  3. Local, state or national licensing and certification authorities may issue additional guidelines related to criminal history. Applicant should contact their respective licensing or certification authority for more details.

Most healthcare programs require all students, admitted to the program, to submit to a national background check which may include fingerprinting. Applicants are encouraged to review all applicable eligibility requirements related to the respective occupational license or Certification. Questions related to eligibility requirements should be directed to the individual program and applicable licensing or certification authority.

  • The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program requires participation in clinical rotations in order to complete the program. In order to participate in clinical rotations at our affiliate sites, certain background information must be verifed. Students participating in clinical rotations must meet the same background verifications as clinical staff at our affiliate sites. For that reason, we require students to submit the following required background information before admission/enrollment in the program is completed: 
  1. Social Security Number Verification
  2. Criminal Search (7 yrs. or up to 5 criminal searches)
  3. Violent Sexual Offender and Predator Registry Search
  4. OIG List of Excluded Individuals/Entities
  5. GSA List of Parties Excluded from Federal Programs
  6. US Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), List of Specially Designated nationals (SDN)
  7. State Exclusive List https://hhs.texas.gov/
  8. Driver’s license or government-issued identification 

Please note: Verification of this information is the financial responsibility of the student and must be completed through the program-approved vendor - Complio. 

  •  HCC Coleman College Grading Scale

To best prepare students for success in their chosen fields, Health Sciences Programs have high standards for progression. Unlike other HCC programs, the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program requires a C (75%) or better to progress to the next course or semester in the program. For specific questions about grades, grading, and progression within Health Science programs, please contact Coleman College at co.sonography@hccs.edu

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Grading Scale

A = 100 – 90 %
B = 89 – 80 %
C = 79 – 75 %*
D = 74 – 60 %
F = 59 – 0 %

*A grade of C (75%) or better must be achieved to progress to the next course or semester. 


Estimated Costs

Tuition is estimated using the Texas resident rates. Out-of-district and out-of-state residents will have higher tuition fees. Please visit the tuition calaculator for more information.
Tuition is for core coursework only. General Education and Support courses are not included. These are high estimates; actual costs will vary depending on health insurance coverage.

Due to increases/decreases in books and supplements, please check the bookstore website for updated cost information. Only required books are included in the estimate.


Item Cost
Criminal Background/Drug Screening $ 53.00
Physical Exam $ 60.00
Immunization $ 310.00
Medical Insurance varies
Supplies varies
SUBTOTAL $ 423.00


1st Semester (14 semester hours)
Tuition Cost
Books, SonoSim Simulation Program, and Trajecsys System- clinical requirement $ 1,187.00
Uniforms $ 3,000.00
Parking (4 months) varies
SUBTOTAL $ 4,187.00


2nd Semester (17 semester hours)
Item Cost
Tuition $ 1,437.50
Books -
Parking (4 months) varies
SUBTOTAL $ 1,437.50


3rd Semester (14 semester hours)
Item Cost
Tuition $ 1,187.00
Books -
Parking (4 months) varies
SUBTOTAL $ 1,187.00


4th Semester (7 semester hours)
Item Cost
Tuition $ 597.50
Books - Ultrasound Registry Review $ 100
Parking (4 months) varies
SUBTOTAL $ 697.50


Total Program Cost:  $7,932.00


Degree Plan

Learn more about the degree plan by visiting the HCC Catalog


Paying For College

You can use a valid MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express card to pay for tuition and fees. You can also use debit card with Visa or MasterCard logo, but not a non-USA credit card. Online payment via check is also available.
Check or echeck payments have a 10 day hold on release of official transcripts. International students or their parents can also pay online from their country of origin with their local currency, where applicable. Online payment from other countries can be made through “International Fund Transfer” payment option.

Additional Option For Payment

  •  Financial Aid

If you need assistance paying for college, please visit the Coleman Financial Aid office for assistance or visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/

  • Scholarships

In addition to federal and state aid, scholarships are a great way to offset all or part of the cost of your education. Please visit https://www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/scholarships/ for more information.

  •  Installment Payment Plan

If you are paying out of pocket and need assistance on how to setup a payment plan, please visit Business Office at HCC Coleman or visit https://www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/student-financial-services/ for more information.


Program Information

Accreditation Agency

The Abdomen-Extended and Obstetrics & Gynecology DMS Program at Houston Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Joint Review on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC- DMS). 


9355 – 113th St. N, #7709

Seminole, FL 33775




 6021 University Blvd., Suite 500

Ellicott City, MD 21043



 Licensure Testing

HCC Coleman Diagnostic Medical Sonography students may take the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), which allows successful candidates to be recognized as Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.

Employment Opportunities

Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers may work in hospitals, clinics, private offices, and industry.

Average Salary

Entry-level salaries are in range between $45,000 (Gulf Coast). Find out the wages for each career field: Career Coach | Houston Community College (HCC) | We are Houston's Community College (hccs.edu)


Required Essential Functions

Functional Capacity Standards
Functional Capacity Standards (Tasks)
Psychomotor Skills
Gross Motor Maintain prolonged arm positions necessary for scanning.
Bend and stoop routinely.
Position patients/clients for treatment or examination.
Assist patients/clients on to and off examining tables.
Organize and accurately perform the steps in a sonographic procedure in the correct sequence.
Fine Motor Elicit information from patients/clients through palpation, auscultation, and percussion.
Operate ultrasound equipment to capture images of blood, organs, and tissues.
Adjust settings or positions of medical equipment.
Demonstrate dexterity in grasping, pushing, pulling, holding, and manipulating.
Use a keyboard and operate desktop computer accessories.
Physical Strength & Endurance Work standing upright for up to 80% of the time.
Assist in lifting patients/clients as needed.
Push and pull heavy equipment on wheels (up to 500 lbs).
Routinely lift more than 50 lbs.
Demonstrate the strength required to perform CPR.
Mobility Exhibit full mobility to assist patients/clients with ambulation.
Perform motor movements necessary for standing, lifting, and transferring patients/clients.
Cognitive Skills
Critical & Analytical Thinking Measure, calculate, reason, analyze, and synthesize data.
Apply problem-solving techniques and document patient data.
Make sound assessments and prioritize diagnostic procedures.
Utilize computers for research, data recording, and retrieval.
Safety Recognize safety issues and respond appropriately in emergencies.
Maintain a safe environment for patients, families, and healthcare personnel.
Follow safety policies in classrooms, labs, and clinical settings.
Respond to alarms and emergency signals such as fire alarms and hospital codes.
Sensory Skills
Observation Observe demonstrations and participate in laboratory experiments.
Monitor patients/clients during examinations for safety and comfort.
Assess the ultrasound screen to ensure diagnostic image quality.
Perception Distinguish audible sounds, such as Doppler imaging signals.
Perceive depth and spatial relationships in the surrounding environment.
Maintain awareness of peripheral space.
Interpretation Comprehend assignments and assessment exercises.
Search and evaluate curriculum literature.
Social-Behavioral Skills
Communication Communicate effectively in English with patients/clients and healthcare professionals.
Use proper grammar and clear communication in verbal and written correspondence.
Demonstrate cultural sensitivity, including multilingual needs.
Obtain patient history directly from the client or guardian.
Maintain written records and use therapeutic communication techniques.
Adaptability Adjust to changing environments and increased stress levels.
Function effectively despite uncertainties in clinical settings.
Emotional Stability Exhibit empathy, integrity, and concern for others.
Maintain emotional well-being under stress.
Make sound judgments and promptly fulfill responsibilities.
Regulate emotions to maintain professionalism.
Manage taxing workloads effectively.
Respond constructively to criticism and performance feedback.
Interpersonal Skills Interact compassionately with patients and colleagues.
Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs and emotions of others.
Build professional relationships with diverse individuals.
Work collaboratively with healthcare teams and patients.
Ethics & Professionalism Maintain professional conduct and appearance.
Uphold patient confidentiality and adhere to HIPAA regulations.
Function as a responsible member of the healthcare team.
Demonstrate time management and organizational skills.


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