HCC Police Department Directory

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Police Divisions


The administrative office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It is responsible for providing the department with leadership that results in a quality service program and a safer campus, as well as well-maintained departmental records.


Criminal Investigations

The department's criminal investigation unit is responsible for case management of reports taken by patrol officers. This unit conducts case follow-ups, closure and preparation of reports and case information that are passed on to prosecuting attorneys.



The patrol division operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patrol officers are the most visible units within the department and have the most direct contact with the community. All patrol officers are state-certified peace officers. Besides police investigations, patrol officers are also responsible for accident investigations and special events.


Bike Patrol

The department supplements its patrol division with bike patrol. Bike patrol officers have the benefit of increased access to the interior of the campus, where it is difficult to maneuver a patrol car. Bike patrol allows for increased visibility, which helps to deter crime, and in many instances, leads to a quicker response to emergency calls.



The training department of the HCC Police Department is led by a member of the command staff responsible for training. New officers arriving in the department either from an academy or another police department are assigned to the field training officer (FTO) program. While in the FTO program, officers receive additional training beyond that received in the academy. This is done before new officers are released to work as fully trained Police Officers at the colleges. Additionally, officers are required to participate in training programs offered within the department and are provided opportunities at attend training schools and seminars throughout the year. This effort is to ensure that the HCC Police are using the most current programs and tactics to protect our students and community in general. 



The Houston Community College Police Department's communication division is a fully equipped, state-of-the-art facility. It includes satellite weather station information, a national law enforcement telecommunications terminal, a Texas Law enforcement telecommunications terminal and security that monitors fire and intrusion alarms.

All of our communications officers are state certified and have attended advanced training related to the ever-changing field of telecommunications.



HCC Police Department

General Questions: 713.718.8770

3821 Caroline Street, Houston, TX 77004