Financial Literacy for Students

Financial Literacy for Students

At HCC we want to ensure future financial success for our students, and we are here to help you navigate your financial journey. HCC financial literacy aims to help students take control and create lifelong healthy financial habits. Financial literacy is a life skill that will propel you into a more successful future.

Connect with a Financial Coach

The Financial Coaching Department is a financial outreach and educational program that is administered by the Financial Aid Department.  We offer personal, one-on-one coaching sessions about your personal finances.  We also work with community partners that can help to provide community resources to our students.  We offer presentations and workshops upon request.


What is a coaching session?

Coaching sessions are private, confidential sessions in which a student can discuss financial questions and concerns to receive tailored financial education and collaborate on a unique action plan.  We can discuss a wide variety of financial topics with you, depending on what your needs and interests are.  The goals of our coaching sessions include helping students understand budgeting, assess their financial aid package and refund, reduce their student loan debt, navigate student loan repayment and emergency funding to help students stay in school.

Central College

  • To book an appointment at this campus location please email and a Financial Coach will follow up with you on their availability.
  • For questions about financial coaching, please email
  • For questions about resources for financial emergencies, please visit or email


Coleman College


Northeast College Campuses (Northline and Northeast)


Northwest College Campuses (Alief, Spring Branch, and Katy)


Stafford and Missouri City Campuses


Southeast College

  • To book an appointment at this campus location please email and a Financial Coach will follow up with you on their availability.
  • For questions about financial coaching, please email
  • For questions about resources for financial emergencies, please visit or email


West Loop


Online Financial Coaching Appointments for Virtual Students


Coaching Programs

Are you the parent/guardian of a child 17 years or younger?


HCC’s Financial Coaches have been appointed as HCC Parent Liaisons. These HCC staff members will act as a liaison officer for current or incoming students at HCC who are the parent or guardian of a child younger than 18 years of age.  


Liaison officers will provide HCC students with information on support services and resources available to them including:

  • Medical and behavioral health coverage and services
  • Public benefit programs, including programs related to food security, affordable housing, and housing subsidies
  • Parenting and childcare services
  • Employment assistance
  • Transportation assistance
  • Student academic success strategies
  • Other resources developed by HCC geared toward student assistance


To learn more about resources offered through the HCC Parent Liaison program, make an appointment to speak with a Financial Coach/Parent Liaison.


Students experiencing homelessness


Students under the age of 24: If you are experiencing any of the below circumstances request a Homeless Youth Form from HCC in order to file your FAFSA, or if you have already filed, to be considered for more financial aid.


Experiencing unaccompanied homelessness, meaning you are not in the physical custody of your parent or guardian and lack fixed, regular, or adequate housing can include:

  • staying with other people temporarily because you lost your housing
  • in a shelter
  • in a motel/hotel due to lack of alternatives
  • in a care or other unsheltered situation



Students 24 and older are considered independent, in regard to FAFSA applications, those students experiencing homelessness are encouraged to meet with a Financial Coach to determine eligibility for special circumstances.



If you meet all of the criteria above, you are considered an independent student for the FAFSA, because you meet the definition of an unaccompanied homeless youth. To complete your FAFSA, you will need a to make an appointment with an HCC Financial Coach and request a Homeless Youth Form.



Students who already filed a FAFSA application and did not file as a homeless youth (who are experiencing homelessness), should make an appointment with a Financial Coach and request a Homeless Youth Form in order to be considered for aid under special circumstances.



An HCC Financial Coach will meet with you (virtually), one-on-one, to determine what type of homelessness you are experiencing and work with you to develop a plan on next steps and available resources. You will be required to sign the Homeless Youth Form, so that financial aid can work on getting you aid for school. Students only have to complete this process once while they attend HCC for consecutive semesters.


Foster Care Liaisons

Financial Coaches are HCC’s dedicated Foster Care Liaisons. Coaches provide guidance, connect students with resources, and advocate for student needs to ensure a successful college experience.


Use the appointment links above and select the foster care youth option to speak to a financial coach regarding your possibilities.

Click here for more information on resources for former foster and adopted students.


Take Charge of Your Finances

HCC is here to help by providing financial literacy best practices. Click on the links below to view more information on each financial literacy component. Connect with a Financial Coach and take advantage of the knowledge and expertise available to you.

Calculating your cost of attendance

Your cost of attendance (COA) is the amount it will cost you to go to school. Most two-year and four-year colleges will calculate your COA to show your total cost for the school year (for instance, for the fall semester plus the spring semester). Schools with programs that last a different period (for instance, an 18-month certificate program) might give you a COA that covers a time period other than a year.

If you are attending at least half-time, your COA is the estimate of:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Room and board (or living expenses for students who do not contract with the school for room and board)
  • Books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous education-related expenses like a computer for remote classes
  • Allowance for childcare or other dependent care
  • Costs related to disability
  • Reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs


Establishing a budget

The Financial Coaches at HCC can help you understand the basics and finer points of budgeting. How to do it, why, and best practices. Then they can help you put yours together and work with you to stay on track. 


Building and maintaining your credit

Your credit report plays a major factor when making big purchases and other big decisions involving your future ranging from employment to purchasing a home. The Financial Coaches are here to help you understand how credit works and best practices and strategies to manage your credit report and score.


Banking basics

Banks sell services – financial services such as a car loans, home mortgages loans, business loans, checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposits and credit card services.  Banks are utilized for safe keeping of money as well as lending institutions.

How to choose the right bank for you? Determine the services and features that you value like, fees and rates, ATM and Branch locations, and online capability. Connect with a Financial Coach to go over banking basics in more depth.



Saving money is hard. The financial coaches at HCC can assist in helping you develop the habits and strategies needed to save for the future. Additionally, they can also help you understand the different financial products for you to save and invest in. 


Protecting your identity

Odds are most individuals, especially college students, tend to have personal information in a lot of places: a cell phone, wallet, purse, laptop, academic file or even lying around on top of a desk. Financial Coaches can help you avoid making common mistakes and learn how to protect your identity while at college.


Minimizing the cost of your education (responsible borrowing)

A Financial Aid coach can help you learn the 10 ways to reduce your college costs.

  • Consider dual enrollment
  • Start off at a community college
  • Compare your housing options
  • Choose the right meal plan
  • Don’t buy new textbooks
  • Earn money while in school
  • Explore all of your aid options
  • Be responsible with your student loans
  • Graduate on time
  • Take other cost-cutting measures


Student loan repayment

After graduation when you seek to start a career, raise a family, buy a home, launch a business and/or save for retirement, debt can leave you feeling overwhelmed, burdened and out of options. Feeling like this doesn’t have to be your reality — you DO have options to manage and overcome federal student loan debt.

HCC's Financial Coaches are committed to informing students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members about public service loan forgiveness and affordable, income-based federal student loan repayment options. 

Click here to learn more about repayment options and tips to avoid repayment scams. 


Planning for financial freedom after college

It’s important to think about what type of financial future you are striving for after college. The financial coaches at HCC can make sure you have the tools, knowledge, and skills you need to achieve your financial goals once you leave HCC. 


Predatory Lending (avoiding credit card debt)

College students have been long time targets for predatory lending. Laws and regulations have been established to protect students from these unsavory practices. Meet with a Financial Coach to help you learn how to protect yourself when shopping for a new loan or credit card.


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