HCC Compact With Texans

Houston Community College Mission Statement

The College District is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering a high-quality, affordable education for academic advancement, workforce training, career development, and lifelong learning to prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in a global and technological society.

Our Vision

The College District will equitably deliver relevant, high-quality education and training, ensuring success for all students, our community, economy and beyond.

Internet Site: 

The College's Internet site will be user-friendly, easy to navigate and contain up-to-date information that is useful to the students/customers.  The site will offer key contact names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers for customers seeking information about the College.  The site will clearly identify the date that information is updated.  The home page for Houston Community College is www.hccs.edu.

Timely Service: 
College faculty and staff will respond to student/customer requests for information as close to the time of the request as possible.  Faculty and staff will update students/customers about unavoidable wait times and offer other options to meet their needs. Once the HCC class schedules have been approved, they are published and available on-line:  https://www.hccs.edu/finder/index.php?search=course

Printed Information: 
Published information, brochures, catalogs, class schedules, and any other information printed and/or published by the College to promote the College or to inform the public about the College, will be published in a professional and timely manner and will be up-to-date and accurate.

Complaint Procedure:
Houston Community College seeks fair, just, and prompt solutions, when possible, to all complaints and grievances. Currently enrolled students wishing to lodge academic and student services related complaints are to follow the policies and procedures outlined in: the Houston Community College Student Handbook, the College Catalog, and/or the Houston Community College Board Policy Manual. Each of these documents can be located on the College’s website.

Employees who have concerns should discuss their concerns with their Supervisor, Division Director, or Director of Human Resources and follow the Complaint Procedure, Houston Community College Board Policy: https://www.hccs.edu/about-hcc/policies/

Individuals or groups external to the College who have concerns or complaints about a customer service issue should address the concern to the Director in the area involved in a manner consistent with the Houston Community College Board Policy Manual.
The Customer Relations Representative may be contacted for issues unresolved at the department or President Level or if the customer needs assistance in directing the complaint.  The College's Customer Relations Representative is the Director, Communications and Marketing, who may be reached at 713-718-2335 or communications@hccs.edu.

The Customer Relations Representative shall delegate the responsibility of responding to designees from the following areas of the College: Student Services, Risk Management, Instructional Services, Finance and Administration, Public Information and Media Inquiries, Human Resources, the Presidents of each College, and other divisions and/or departments as their help is deemed necessary.