HCC Art Gallery showcases faculty talent

Dec 16, 2016

The Houston Community College (HCC) West Loop Campus Art Gallery sheds light on several talented faculty members during its latest exhibition.

This exhibition, which runs through Thursday, January 19, is unique in that the Digital Communication faculty members are showcasing pieces of art that they love, not necessarily what they teach at HCC.

The faculty members participating in the exhibition, include: Russ Armstrong, Martonette Q. Borromeo, Cindy Guire, Terry Halsey, André Hermann, Christopher W. Juengel, Swati Korde, Wendy Robbins, and Harold Scott.  

The artwork ranges from photography to painted pieces and is free and open to the public for viewing during campus hours.

For more information on our Digital Communication department, visit: hccs.edu/digicomm.

Faculty Art Exhibit 2

Faculty Art Exhibit

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