HCC science students attain academic survival skills courtesy of HCC INSPIRE

Jan 20, 2015

On August 19, before the Fall 2014 semester, 98 HCC science students attended an intensive, day-long Science Study Skills Workshop at one of three locations (Southeast College, Northwest College or Central College). Sponsored by Houston Pathways, a total of eight HCC science professors delivered materials developed though our institutional Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) entitled HCC INSPIRE. Students were grateful to receive hands-on practice in game-changing science course survival techniques such as flashcard making, concept mapping and Cornell note taking, using actual science lecture and textbook materials. Students also appreciated learning about the relative efficacy of various study techniques, and the pros and cons of using electronic means of recording a lecture. Many eyes were opened. In the words of one student: “I really loved the workshop and the passionate people who direct it. Please do it again because I know a large number of students who do not have the knowledge that this workshop offers."

Besides eliciting glowing student reviews, the workshop also achieved its specific learning objectives: overall normalized learning gains (a measure of how close we come to closing the learning gap) averaged 71 percent as measured on a pre- and post-workshop quiz taken by eighty-six of the workshop participants. Even better, a follow-up feedback survey administered late Fall 2014 revealed significant, lasting improvements in self-reported study behaviors, such as self-testing in preparation for exams, taking more notes, and greater awareness of study strategy efficacy. The following student survey comment says it all: “I'm now on track to get an A in in my A&P class. Actually also helped with my other non-science classes as well. Thanks.”

Plans for the next science study skills workshop are already in development for Spring 2015, just after Regular Term exam 1 time. As before, when the time comes, science instructors will be sent a cut-and-paste message to disseminate to all enrolled science students though People Soft email.

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