HCC hosts annual golf tournament to support educational pursuits of minority males

Sep 28, 2015



Why spend the day at your desk, when you can tee off on the golf green for a great cause. On Friday, October 16, join your friends and colleagues for the Houston Community College 7th Annual Minority Male Initiative Golf Classic (MMI). The HCC Minority Male Initiative supports Houston area youth who are historically underserved and underrepresented. The MMI recognizes the challenges of an academic commitment and is there to help young men successfully get the education they need to become leaders of tomorrow.

“Dropout rates for people of color have continued to be a challenge for institutions of higher learning,” said Dr. Cheryl Sterling, associate vice chancellor of Student Services. “Education tuition costs approximately $31.00 per semester hour. Incarceration cost is approximately $59.00 a day. We have to ask ourselves the question, ‘Is it easier to educate or is it easier to incarcerate?’ You do the math.”

Enjoy a great round of golf on the Quail Valley Golf Course, 2880 La Quinta Drive, Missouri City, TX, 77459. Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8:00 a.m.

Participants and spectators will also have the opportunity to bid on items in a silent auction. Proceeds from the tournament benefit the HCC MMI effort to provide educational opportunities for Houston area youth through leadership conferences, lecture series, mentoring, scholarships, and the Summer STEM Academy. One of the major sponsors of this event is Barnes & Noble College.

“We cannot express enough thanks to Regional Manager Marc Eckhart for pledging an Eagle level sponsorship to the Houston Community College Foundation this year,” said Rodney McLaurin, program director, Minority Male Initiative. “Without the support of organizations such as Barnes & Noble, the MMI program would not be able to continue building a solid, college-bound culture among minority males.”

For registration and sponsorship information, please visit hccsfoundation.org/2015golf or contact Olivia Garcia, Golf Classic coordinator at 713.718.6834 or Don Washington, Golf Classic chair at 713.718.8584

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