A message from HCC Trustee Carolyn Evans-Shabazz

Aug 4, 2015

Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz

Dear Neighbors,     

As the newest member of the Houston Community College Board of Trustees, it is an honor to represent District IV.

Growing up in a family of educators, it was instilled in me that education is the only pathway to achieving success and making your mark in this world. My grandfather, Dr. Edward Bertram Evans, Sr., was the first President of Prairie View A&M University. My father, Edward B. ”Doc” Evans, Jr., was a long time basketball coach of the mighty Jack Yates Lions and my mother, Catherine Williams Evans, was a teacher in the Houston Independent School District. Their legacies inspired me to become an educator and hopefully make a difference throughout several districts in the Houston area.

With the endless opportunities that flow through this region, there is no better time than the present to get a degree and/or certification. Changes are happening at HCC and they are exciting! The HCC Coleman College for Health Sciences is the only one-of-its-kind in the world-renowned Texas Medical Center. Students have access to programs in over 20 of the fastest growing careers in medicine and the HCC presence in the Med Center is getting even bigger. We have a new President with Dr. Phillip Nicotera and will soon break ground on an expanded educational healthcare facility across the street from the existing HCC Coleman College Campus.

As HCC continues to transform into the “college of tomorrow”, my goal as Trustee will be to push the importance of making sure students have the skills they need to meet the demands of the growing workforce and prepare all students for success.

In Service,

Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz

HCC Board of Trustees

District IV

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