Writing Center
The Southeast College Writing Center is in two locations. At the Eastside (Main) campus, we are in Room 102, Felix Morales Building, 6815 Rustic. We also have an annex at the Felix Fraga Center, 301 N. Drennan St.
The Eastside phone number is (713) 718- 2678. Our email address (for general inquiries only -- not appointments) is se.writingcenter@hccs.edu.
We open for business September 8, 2014, the second week of regular-term classes. To schedule an appointment, log in to our online appointment system, linked below. Enter your W number and password (the same information you use to log into campus computers and Eagle Online), choose a location (Eastside or Fraga), then choose from the drop-down list of tutors to see available times. When no times are displayed, there are no available times for that tutor. Try each tutor's name until you find an available time. If we are booked during the upcoming times when you would like to see a tutor, you might try walking in to wait for an opening; or, try the online tutoring system, Askonline.
Southeast College Writing Center Online Appointment System (Click Here)
NOTE: The system does NOT work with Chrome; it is best to use the Firefox browser, as with Eagle Online. Use your W number to log in; the password is the same as the one you set up for your HCCS Student Webmail.
Visit us for updates at our Facebook page:
Or, get updates on Twitter by following @SEWritingCenter.